

Update your LinkedIn Profile

Social Media is an intrinsic part of today’s world with huge followings across a number of different platforms worldwide

  • Facebook – 3.05 billion users
  • Instagram – 2 billion users
  • Tik Tok – 1.21 billion users
  • LinkedIn – 0.95 billion users
  • X (formerly known as Twitter) – 0.6 billion users

Building our brand across LinkedIn

Here at Cemex we play an active role in building our brand across our social media channels, ensuring that we’re able to promote our products and build our brand narrative around the topics we want to be known for such as wellbeing, health and safety, sustainability, products and innovation.

One of the key social media channels for us is LinkedIn, where our audience includes current and potential customers, current and potential employees plus key stakeholders across Government and the wider building materials, construction and infrastructure sectors.

One of the ways we want to strengthen our brand identity across LinkedIn is by introducing profile backgrounds for use by employees who have a LinkedIn account – should you wish.

Updating your LinkedIn background

We’ve designed a range of templates that can be found here. It’s really easy to update your LinkedIn profile background – if you’re unsure, we’ve created a guidance document to support you that shows you how to do this in 7 simple steps. Please note the guidance is best applied using a laptop or desktop device rather than a mobile device. Once you have updated your profile background you will need to refresh your screen to see the image updated on your LinkedIn profile.

It’s a relatively low-effort approach with a high-impact potential, creating positive brand recognition and association for Cemex with everyone who comes into contact with your LinkedIn profile – it helps us to stay front of mind with prospective customers and provides a strong first impression for future recruits who use LinkedIn.

We’d encourage you all to use the templates provided to update your LinkedIn profile background – let’s turn LinkedIn red and blue!

Links and other info

Link to templates

Link to guidance document

*If you or any of your teams would like further support with how to get the most from using LinkedIn in the form of hints, tips, do’s and don’ts then please get in touch with a member of the Comms team or email: gb-communicationsandpublicaffairs@cemex.com and we can arrange workshops to support you with your requirements.