Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Our 2024 EMEA Health & Safety Plan

A message from our UK H&S Director, Andy Taylor…..  I’d like to begin by thanking everyone for their efforts in looking after themselves and each other throughout 2023, and for putting health and safety first.  We wouldn’t be able to keep everyone safe and maintain our safety record without the strong teamwork and commitment that runs throughout the business, from operational teams, office staff, drivers and contractors, so thank you!

Also, I’d like to ask you for your support implementing the key initiatives from our 2024 EMEA Health and Safety Improvement Plan, to help us continue on our journey to Zero4Life, injury free performance. Our Plan details the common initiatives for the EMEA Region which are aligned with the elements of our Health and Safety Management System and have been selected to tackle our common causes of major injury, while also including initiatives that support the growth of our safety and wellbeing culture. Pleasingly the initiatives build and reinforce initiatives we have been working on in recent years. These initiatives are intended to support our programme of wellbeing promotion, enhance visible felt leadership skills, reinforce working at heights requirements, embed 5S and strengthen Contractor Management through MP Connect.

Business areas should also plan additional local initiatives to close any gaps identified during the latest round of Health and Safety Management System Self Assessments.

Throughout 2024 we must all continue to STOP & THINK and Take 5 before starting any new task, taking the time to ensure we have assessed the hazards and risks, and confirmed all necessary control measures are in place. If you see anything unsafe or are concerned that a safety system is impractical or cannot be followed, please speak up.  Take action and STEP IN if you see anyone you think may be putting themselves at risk of injury and complete a Take 5 Together where it will help identify additional control measures.  In doing so, we are truly looking after ourselves and each other. Report Near Miss Hazard Alerts and HiPos to help us learn from hazards and near misses, so action can be taken before an injury occurs. Also remember to practice safe isolation procedures LOTOTO (Lock Out, Tag Out, Try Out),

Our most common cause of injury continues to result from slips, trips and falls, so please maintain high housekeeping standards and Get a Grip by maintaining three points of contact on steps, stairways and ladders.

Finally, please follow our Safety Essentials ensuring we can all return home safely to our loved ones.

You can find the plan on the UK News download page: here

Thank you.