

Lex’s First 100 Days as MPA Chair

In September 2023 Lex Russell, Cemex UK’s UK Materials Managing Director, was appointed as Chair of the Mineral Products Association (MPA). As Chair, Lex is the guardian of members’ interests, working closely with the Chief Executive and Board to ensure that the association pursues its agreed objectives.

The MPA is the trade association for the aggregates, asphalt, cement, concrete, dimension stone, lime, mortar and industrial sand industries. It represents 80% of mineral businesses in the UK.  Included are most of the independent SME quarrying companies throughout the UK, as well as the major international and global companies. It covers 100% of UK cement and lime production, 90% of GB aggregates production, 95% of asphalt and over 70% of ready-mixed concrete and precast concrete production.

After completing his first one hundred days as MPA Chair, the Comms team caught up with Lex to find out more about his new role as MPA Chair.

Q: During your first 100 days, what has been your focus?

Lex: “My main focus has been gaining an understanding of how the MPA functions through dialogue with members, employees and other stakeholders. It is surprisingly complex, with a large diverse membership and many working groups and committees. I’ve also been getting to know the MPA CEO Jon Pritchard, so we can work effectively together on behalf of our members.”

Q: What are the biggest challenges for the MPA in 2024?

Lex: “In 2024 our main focus areas will be lobbying Government in competitive industrial decarbonisation, planning reform and better delivery of major projects.

One of our biggest challenges will be in the Carbon Board Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). The EU CBAM is a tool, due to start charging in 2026, to put a fair price on the carbon emitted during the production of carbon intensive goods that are entering the EU, and to encourage cleaner and safe industrial production in non-EU countries – this will hopefully reduce imported materials flooding the EU market. The UK Government has just announced plans to introduce a UK CBAM in 2027 to protect the UK from significant volumes of imports and the MPA’s focus will be on lobbying the government to bring that forward to 2026, to align with the EU CBAM.

Another challenge for the MPA will be lobbying the UK Government in carbon capture, to support the decarbonisation our businesses. It is vital that MPA members, with energy-intensive industrial sites, are supported by enabling Government policy and business models for carbon capture, use, and storage, to decarbonise and grow the market for domestically produced low-carbon products. The MPA will be working hard on behalf of our members, to push for policies on both carbon capture and UK CBAM.”

We need a planning system that supports growth. The current system is unsustainable as we are not replenishing reserves at the rate, we are using them. Society is dependent on minerals for hospitals, schools, roads and to facilitate global decarbonisation and we need systems and policies to back us.

It can take many years from identifying a new mineral resource to starting production, so we need to plan well ahead to invest in people and skills, plant and sites to ensure that essential mineral products are available in the right place and at the right time. The reliable delivery of national infrastructure would enable the industry to plan with confidence, but all too often projects are delayed, descoped or cancelled. Even when projects do proceed, they have often not engaged the material supply chain early enough, leading to inefficient outcomes. The infrastructure pipeline needs to be much more dependable and transparent with realistic milestones set and stuck to. This will allow the mineral products sector to supply these projects in the most cost-effective and sustainable way which will allow investment in jobs and reduce costs.”

Q: What do you hope to achieve in your role as MPA Chair?

Lex: “My role is to evaluate the current and future market conditions and to steer the MPA’s priorities so that we can continue to maximise our value for our members. We will be supporting them through the changing economic conditions and global impacts affecting our UK Minerals businesses. Together with our members and the fantastic team at MPA, I hope we can have a heathier and safer industry, increase our market share over timber and steel, reduce planning permission and permitting time, decarbonise our businesses and make the UK an attractive market for international investors.”

Q What does this role mean to you, personally?

Lex: “I am extremely proud to have been appointed Chair of the MPA for the next two years. I see this role as an opportunity to make a positive difference to an industry that I care passionately for. It allows me to make a real difference, at a time when we need a strong trade association more than ever.

I am also very proud to be the first MPA Chair from Cemex (and RMC) and while the position is a wonderful opportunity for me personally, it also benefits Cemex and I hope through my leadership at the MPA and the priorities we focus on, I can play a part in ensuring the long-term sustainability of Cemex as a leading player in our industry.

As well as being Chair of the MPA, I also represent the cement and concrete sector at the Government’s Net Zero Carbon Council. The Council includes some of the most senior business and finance leaders in the country and is Chaired by Government Minister Graham Stuart. The key objective of the council is to ensure sectors and companies have a clear pathway to net zero.

In addition to my appointment at the MPA, our Cemex CEO, Fernando González was elected President of the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) in October this year. As a Cemex employee it is great to see that our Company encourages us to be influential in the future of our industry and society.”

Q: Are there any final remarks you would like to make?

Lex: “I would like to take this opportunity to thank the incredible Cemex UK Materials team, plus the many colleagues from the wider organisation, who have all supported me both professionally and personally in my new role as MPA Chair. I couldn’t have done this without their continued hard work, enthusiasm, and commitment, supporting both me and our company. I’d also like to thank both Michel Andre and Sergio Menendez for their personal support, enabling and encouraging me to take on the additional role as MPA Chair.”