

Launch of Men’s Health Campaign

Our new Wellbeing focus for May and June is ‘Men’s Health & Wellbeing’.

During this new campaign we will be sharing personal stories and helpful resources on the following topics:

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Prostate and testicular cancer
  • Depression
  • Obesity
  • Health Screening

Could you help? We are planning to share some of our Cemex colleague’s personal stories during the campaign. If any of these topics have affected you personally, and you would be happy to share your story that might help others, or encourage others to make a positive change in their life, please do get in touch with us: gb-communicationsandpublicaffairs@cemex.com. Thank you.

Throughout the campaign we will be sharing all our resources on the UK News download page for Men’s Health.

During the campaign you will be able to access these resources HERE, or scan the QR code in the poster.

Please share the poster on your workplace notice boards, or your Wellbeing notice boards if you have them.  You can find this at the end of this document, and on the UK News download page here