

Join the Men’s Health Webinar – 21st May

Our new Wellbeing focus for May and June is ‘Men’s Health & Wellbeing’.

During this new campaign we will be sharing personal stories and helpful resources covering a range of topics.

Join our Men’s Health Webinar

We invite you to join our New Leaf Men’s Health Webinar on 21st May at 10.00am.

This webinar helps to raise awareness around men’s health, and offers helpful tips around various aspects of wellbeing including:

  • Prevalent cancers and screening services.
  • Self-examination, signs, symptoms and early detection.
  • Mental health, including andropause.
  • Risks around diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight and body shape.
  • Plus much more. 

Our health webinars are always popular so sign up quick! Click HERE to register, or scan the QR code above and on the poster online HERE.

 Throughout the campaign we will be sharing all our resources on the UK News download page for Men’s Health. During the campaign you will be able to access these resources HERE.