

Flagship Portal – Major Updates

We are pleased to announce several important updates to the ‘Flagship Portal’ this month.

Firstly, the Flagship Sites Portal is merging with Cemex Mexico’s ‘Road2Excellence (R2E)’ program, and we are officially launching details of how sites can apply for ‘bronze’ accreditation, and what criteria they need to meet. The R2E program will move us forwards on our Continuous Improvement journey, utilising Lean Management training and tools alongside the delivery of on-site initiatives to increase the safety and efficiency of our operations. Details of the accreditation process can be found via the portal homepage.

Secondly, our latest flagship bronze-level case study at our Spandau Readymix Plant in Berlin, Germany, is now live within the portal, and is also available on the following link. Please note the video is in German but an English transcript is available within Microsoft Stream – Spandau Flagship Case Study Video.mp4 (

Friedrich Bayer, Senior Manager for Materials Development in Cemex Germany, explains: ‘Spandau is a location that truly stands out in terms of its commitment to sustainability, safety, and innovation. With its business areas of cement, aggregates, ready-mixed concrete solutions, and circular economy; Spandau is at the forefront of the industry. One of the key initiatives at this location is the focus on e-mobility, with the goal of reducing emissions and promoting clean energy. Innovative health & safety solutions are also paramount, with a strong emphasis on ensuring the well-being of all employees. With a focus on digital innovation, Spandau is constantly seeking new ways to improve efficiency and productivity. All in all, Spandau is a location that truly embodies the values of our Road2Excellence flagship program’

Spandau joins Pruskow Readymix (PL), Immelborn Quarry (DE), and Port Victor Readymix (FR) at Bronze level, and our fifth case study at Swinderby (UK) will follow later in the year.

The interactive portal, a joint project of the Materials teams in Western and Central Europe, is an internal tool for employees, which offers videos, photos, safety materials, case studies, supplier information and Cemex contacts on key initiatives in nine categories covering our main operational focus areas.

The catalog of key initiatives presented comes from a number of high-performing sites across the region, which have been carefully selected to display different sets of initiatives regarding safety & security, CO2 reduction, environment, renewable energies, water management, efficiency, smart loading, agile materials, and digital technologies.

To access the flagship portal, please visit and enter ‘cemex’ as your username, and ‘greenplanet’ as your password.