Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Latest Video Safety Alert

The latest Video Safety Alert has kindly been shared by our colleagues in Croatia, and relates to the collapse of a concrete plant mixer discharge cone, thankfully no injuries resulted from this high potential (HiPo) incident.

You can watch the video HERE or scan the QR code.

The Alert includes learning points applicable across our operations:

  • It seems there was an issue with the concrete passing through the cone. Do we ensure all problems with processing plant are reported via the Near Miss / Hazard Alert system or defect reporting system so that they can be investigated and fixed, rather than relying on workarounds?
  • The Plant Operator forgot to secure the cone structure at the end of the previous shift after lowering it for cleaning, leaving it supported from a winch rather than fixed in place with the securing bolts.  Are safe systems of work for cleaning and maintenance clear, concise and well understood?  Do they include check points to ensure safety critical steps are not missed out?

Please discuss the Alert with teams as applicable, taking the opportunity to consider whether there are any comparable situations in our operations where we can take action to minimise the potential for future incidents and injuries.

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