

Ryan’s Work Experience

From time to time we are asked to support students with some Work Experience, often as part of their GCSE studies. It’s always good to be able to take these opportunities to introduce young people to Cemex, so that in the future they might consider a career with us or in the wider industry.  It’s especially nice too when we can do this for families of colleagues at Cemex.

Most recently Ryan Elson, whose parent Bob Haddock is our Learning and Development Coordinator, has spent some time at Binley office working in Customer Service and Facilities.

Ryan’s work experience has been particularly important to us because it helped us to see how well our office works for a wheelchair user.

He told us: “I’ve really enjoyed my time at Cemex.  The part I most enjoyed was working in reception, also I learnt how to deal with customers. I’ve also enjoyed meeting new people.”