

Take the Wellbeing CAN DO Challenge

Next week is Men’s Health Week. This is a powerful platform that aims to empower men in the UK to prioritise their physical and mental wellbeing.

Our current wellbeing campaign around Men’s Health is all about bringing awareness to health issues that affect men disproportionately and focuses on encouraging men to become aware of problems they may have or could develop and gain the courage to do something about it. We have been sharing resources which you can find HERE.

Ahead of Men’s Health week we are challenging male colleagues to take the Men’s Health Forum CAN DO Challenge.

The five ways to wellbeing are five things that are scientifically proven to help us feel better.

The CAN DO Challenge invites you to do all FIVE of them!

The five ways are:

  • Connect – connect with other people (e.g. call an old friend or family member).
  • (Be) Active – move your body (e.g. go for a run/walk/swim/dance/etc).
  • Notice – take notice of the environment around you (e.g. turn off your phone for an hour and look around).
  • Discover – learn something new (e.g. read a book you haven’t read before).
  • Offer (or give) – do something for someone else (e.g. volunteer for a local community group).

Read more about the Five Ways to Wellbeing or find out about Man MOT for the Mind manual, based on the five ways. Or get started downloading resources now.

You CAN DO it by yourself. Or with friends.

Want to make the challenge more challenging?

  • Can you do all five in one day?
  • Can you do a different way for each day of the week?
  • Can you find a single activity that ticks all five boxes? Taking a group of people on a historical walk, for example.
  • Can you get five friends to do it too?
  • Can you really make a day of it and do each activity for an hour?
  • Not sure what to do? To get you thinking, here are 50 ideas from our men’s health champions. There are dozens more ideas in Man MOT For The Mind.
  • Keep checking back here – we’ll be posting some of our favourite ideas.