

Competition and Markets Authority – Dawn Raids

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is a non-ministerial department of the UK Government. The CMA governs and regulates competition between companies so that customers can be confident they are getting great choices, fair deals and competitive and fair dealing and that businesses can innovate and thrive, by promoting competitive markets and tackling unfair behaviour.

Part of the CMA’s remit is the prevention and investigation of Cartels. A Cartel is where two or more businesses, who (if competitors):

  1. have an aggregate market share of 10% or more;
  2. agree to price fixing, limitation of supply or production, marketing sharing and/or bid rigging or other anti-competitive practices; and
  3. where such activities have an appreciable effect on trade in the UK

Companies who engage in this behaviour do so for a monetary benefit and it affects customers as they often have to pay higher prices for goods and services.

Cartel activity is illegal, and the CMA have certain powers to investigate suspected activity including using a procedure called a Dawn Raid.

A Dawn Raid is when officers of the CMA attend business premises they suspect of being involved in Cartel or anti-competitive activity without warning, to conduct interviews with employees, request documents, and equipment such as computers, laptops and mobile phones to conduct investigations.

In the unlikely event that we are subject to a Dawn Raid at one of our offices, you should remain calm, check the officers ID, and contact a member of the Cemex Legal team or your local Dawn Raid Officer immediately and they will guide and support you before the arrival of a specialist team.

We suggest you familiarise yourself with the basics of competition law, the role of the CMA and the Dawn Raid procedure. Further information can be found on the Legal Department Viva Engage site.

Contact Details for Dawn Raid Officers and the Legal team: