

Psychoactive Substances in the UK: Understanding, Effects, and Support

Psychoactive substances, commonly known as “legal highs”, are a broad category of drugs that alter a person’s perception, mood, or consciousness. These substances can range from synthetic cannabinoids to synthetic cathinones, and their effects can vary widely. They mimic the effects of traditional controlled drugs like cannabis, cocaine, amphetamine, and MDMA (ecstasy).

While the term “legal” might suggest safety, these substances are often unregulated and can pose serious health risks due to their untested and unknown nature.

Effects of Psychoactive Substances:

Effects can include anxiety, paranoia, hallucinations, rapid heart rate, and even psychosis. Long-term use can lead to addiction, mental health problems, and physical harm.

As with alcohol, colleagues under the influence of psychoactive substances present an injury hazard to themselves and also place their colleagues in danger or in the difficult position of being expected to cover for unsafe work practices.

Co-ordination, motor control, alertness and ability to exercise judgement can become affected by psychoactive substances use. These safety risks are greater where people operate machinery, drive vehicles or plant, or rely on concentration to do their work and can result in:

  • workplace accidents, injuries or damage to equipment
  • increased absenteeism and reduced productivity
  • poor teamwork or workplace relationships
  • disciplinary or conduct problems.

If you or someone you know, may be struggling with psychoactive substance use, there are lots of resources available to reach out for support.

Our Employee Assistance Programme

Cemex offers all employees a free, confidential employee assistance programme (EAP) called Lifestyle Support. Available 24/7, it is run by a separate provider and not part of Cemex. The company does not receive any employee specific information. You can contact The EAP for confidential advice and support – by calling 0808 168 2143 or visit www.lifestyle-support.co.uk (Username: cemex  Password:  cemex).