Over the summer the teams at Dove Holes Quarry and Asphalt Plant have been busy supporting their local community in the village of Dove Holes.
Their hard work and dedication to their communities was greatly appreciated by the local people and Steve Leigh, Dove Holes Works Manager, was delighted to receive a letter from Dove Holes Community Association, thanking the team for their recent donation of Asphalt for their village hall car park, along with helping to local pavements clear of silt, tidying grassy areas and planting flowers in baskets.
Emma Whittle, Dove Holes Community Association Chairperson, wrote: “We at Dove Holes Community want to thank you and Cemex so much for donating the Asphalt for our car park which we rent to residents, which in turns helps us to fund the various charities we organise at the village hall, such as coffee, cake and conversation, over 60s afternoon tea, free Christmas Dinners, our youth club, toddler club, WI, art club and dancing clubs… May we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the help you give us.”