

Best Practice Sharing Tool Evolves to Version 3.0

Our Operational Excellence team are excited to announce that Ideation v3.0 launched on MONDAY 3rd February!

You can access it HERE!

The Ideation portal is an online tool for capturing and sharing operational improvements, best practises, and innovations.

V3.0 is easier to use with new design features, it’s more accessibility, and has simplified keyboard navigation.

Within the portal, you will discover new features including:

  • On-the-fly re-authentication when the session has expired.
  • Navigation pane on initiative sheets and forms for quick access to the desired section.
  • Tag and Memo can be hidden in initiative sheets.
  • The “Attachment” tab becomes “Resources”.
  • A ‘Full Screen’ button for viewing Action Plans or Opportunity Pre-Analyses, for example.
  • In the Team section of the Initiative sheet, team members can be filtered by role.
  • In the ‘Explorer’ section, new columns have been added to the Table view. You can now filter initiatives according to data relating to closure or rejection.
  • And finally, you will be able to show the overall percentage of completion of the initiative portfolio in your statistical reports.

The team hope you enjoy this update and that it will encourage you to share more good practices and win the now famous Idea of the Month competition!