Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Busy Bees Road Safety

Just as we adopt innovative approaches to safety for our drivers and contractors, in Cemex UK we are also doing the same for cyclists, pedestrians and other vulnerable road users. We draw on our expertise to promote best practices in the communities where we operate.

We implement awareness campaigns on road safety, regulation compliance, and accident prevention, where our Cemex employees teach the importance of road safety basics to members of these communities while explaining the safety features of our vehicles.

Recently, colleagues from our Rugby Cement Plant Supply Chain team carried out a special visit, along with a truck, to the local Busy Bees Nursery in Rugby. While this wasn’t their typical school visit, it aligned perfectly with the nursery’s ongoing learning journey about transport and road safety. After their lesson, the children were thrilled to tell their parents all about the truck visit and share what they had learnt about road safety. Christina Shields, Darrell Collins and Peter Ward arranged and carried out the event giving the children an opportunity to sit inside the truck.

Each child received their own high-vis jacket to take home, helping them stay safe when walking or biking with their parents.