Customer Centricity

Customer Centricity

Asphalt Making Eurovia Happy!

Eurovia are one of our biggest customers taking large asphalt volumes in the north and south. Recently they had experienced some service issues which they brought to our attention.

Les Luxon continues: “Quickly we organised visits to their offices in the north and south to listen and understand the customer’s issues and pains. Their main concern was continuity of supplies and no gaps in supply, so we proposed some plans in the north and south to eliminate these issues happening again.  Eurovia were very happy that CEMEX wanted to know the details and were pleased with our plans.  It is easy to talk the talk so we needed to Show Eurovia that we were serious in our planned actions and show how much we value them and their business.

I am happy to report that after four weeks we have just had feedback from Eurovia stating that they are very happy with our improved service and they thanked us for listening and acting swiftly.  Eurovia said: “We have seen a big improvement in service and communication and long may it continue.”

This, for me, is rewarding and we are now in a position to supply these larger schemes with the knowledge that our customer is happy and will not go elsewhere.  Thank you to everyone who was involved in putting the customer first to deliver Superior Customer Service – well done to you all and, to copy Eurovia’s comment: “long may it continue!’”