Danny Roberts reports from Cluster 6 that in early January we received a call from R. Betts Construction looking for concrete solution mix to their project at the C/O Kier Construction Bus Interchange, Bolton, Lancashire.
The new bus station external concrete slab required a durable mix for the buses turning in the interchange area, 1,500m3 in total was required, in the main Cluster 6 concrete mixes are Limestone Aggregate. Danny continues the story: “After many discussions with the customer, designers, main contractor, our technical, commercial, operations and supply chain within the Cluster, we provided a mix design with a high PSV Granite mix from our Shap Quarry in Cumbria with a Super Plas, Type J cement, high fines to go through a concrete pump.
The next obstacle was to trial the mix on three occasions from our Plant to deliver to site, supported by a local Technician at our Bury Plant, with site testing to achieve correct finish and workability of this complex product for all. An added issue for our IHC to deal with was to deliver the loads into a busy Bolton town centre with one way systems and road closures on the route.
We started on Wednesday 8th Feb and we proudly provided an excellent service 76m3 pour, all in by 2.00pm, with further pours to start next week and beyond to completion of contract. As ONE TEAM we achieved our two objectives: 1) keeping all our staff safe with such a complex concrete pour from Plant to site; 2) commercially we achieved an excellent margin on this VAP.
Well done everyone – this was another great example of effective and efficient teamwork by the Cluster Team to deliver a customers need.”