Customer Centricity

Customer Centricity

CSC Giving SCE!!

The Customer Service Centre (CSC) have been receiving some fantastic feedback from customers about various members of their teams who have been leading the way with Superior Customer Experience (SCE).  Well done to everyone mentioned.

Here are a few examples from internal and external customers:

Hannah from Admin has been quoted as being “always good at answering – excellent service” from our Sales Representative, Sally Tokens.

Kyle from Central, a new team member on the 4th floor, has certainly made an impression. Amy Smith had this to say: “I would just like to give Kyle some good feedback. He took a call for Northern earlier and had taken every detail possible and the customer was very happy because he didn’t have to repeat anything and got his price straight away. The customer was Jewson.”

Latasha impressed the Southern region with an amazing 200m Permatite order! Silver Homes Developments rang with a request for Sika so Latasha took the opportunity to convert the customer into having Permatite…. way to go Tash!

Alsford Timber had some very kind words about Jordana and Steve, the Relief Batcher from Sittingbourne. “Dear Steve and Jordana. Thank you guys so much for your help and support today, you have been immense and I owe you both a lot.”