Customer Centricity

Customer Centricity

Customer Service NPS Call of the Month

Following a competition for staff to suggest ideas to improve customer service performance, an area that the customer service team for Aggs and Asphalt in Scotland could change was identified – Developing first class order taking via a call coaching and improvement strategy.

The Aggregates and Asphalt Customer Service team in Scotland now undertake 1-2-1 monthly reviews on call quality, accuracy, delivery and overall performance, and discuss areas of improvement, high scoring areas, and general approach, ensuring that we provide the best customer experience possible.

This was an area that the customer service and planning office could directly influence and were responsible for and could have significant impact on customer call quality and content – Leading to improved customer experience and NPS scores – over the past 3 months we have seen an improvement on overall Employee NPS assessment scores of +21%!

The top performer was selected in recognition of their exceptional customer call quality over the previous month, and the October winner for call of the month was Natalie Weir, shown here accepting her award from Team Leader Mandy Robinson.