Customer Centricity

Customer Centricity

Liverpool Docklands Steps In to Help Hanson Contracting on Nights

Liverpool Docklands Asphalt plant pulled an extra shift to help Hanson complete a nightwork contract on the Wirral, on the same day, after a late call for help at 3.30pm. The team pulled together with Shipping to get trucks at very short notice and did 160 tonnes of HRA through the evening. Hanson’s site team were very complimentary on the service provided, but also commented on the quality of the material produced, which is high praise from a competitors’ contracting arm.

Congratulations to all the CEMEX team for such a quick and positive response, but it also highlights that in these difficult times of COVID-19 restrictions, our industry can look beyond competition to ensure that asphalt customers are given the best opportunity to complete contracts on time. This can only help our business in the long run and is a great example of CEMEX’s Customer Centricity policy.