Customer Centricity

Customer Centricity

Managing Email Recipients

We wish to remind everyone about the importance of carefully managing recipient lists in our email communications, particularly when interacting with our Cemex customers, or large groups of colleagues internally.

Although we might want to keep customers and colleagues informed throughout a process or situation by including them in email threads, it is important to remember that including a customer or colleagues in the “Cc” field of an internal email, particular one which has passed between different people across Cemex, can inadvertently expose sensitive or personal information they shouldn’t see.

Do not ‘Reply to All’ unless you are confident that the content of the full email thread is appropriate for all recipients. Here are some important points to consider when sending emails both internally and externally to colleagues and customers:

  • Confidentiality breaches: Internal discussions about pricing strategies, competitor analysis, or personnel matters could be unintentionally revealed to customers, damaging trust and compromising company practices.
  • Unprofessionalism: Internal jokes or casual language might appear unprofessional if seen by a customer.
  • Confusion and frustration: Long email threads with numerous recipients can be difficult for recipients to follow, leading to confusion and frustration.

Please consider using ‘Reply’ instead. This will ensure that you are responding to specifically communicating with – this also ensure that the response is then only seen by you as opposed to everyone on the Cc.

Please ensure you continue to protect our company’s and our colleague’s reputation, ensuring that we are not having email conversations with colleagues, customers or external third party’s with potentially sensitive information included as part of the thread. Thank you.