Whilst standing outside countless shops on Saturday afternoon in Oxford Street wondering why his ‘Missus’ was spending all his money, Nigel Bateman, Readymix Production Manager for London, was delighted to receive a call at 3 pm from Polly at Costains informing him there had been a mistake made that morning where Costains were a load short. After looking at his Tracker system and noticing every truck in London had finished for the day and gone home, he then realised they both had a problem.
Nigel takes up the story: “So who you gonna call??? A big Thank You to Christian Vale, Ops Supervisor, who contacted Pedro, Plant Operator and IHC Dan Patrescu. Basically, 3 phone calls and 55 minutes later the load was being loaded and when I called Polly and told her the load would be on site in 30 minutes she was over the moon and delighted we had been able to assist.
All this done while the wife was in New Look and knew nothing about the calls!!”