Customer Centricity

Customer Centricity

Successful ‘Go Live’ For The London Region Sales Office Transfer

It is very pleasing to report that our ‘Go Live’ Day went smoothly transferring the work of the Sales Office in Fulham into Rugby. Focus on CustomersWith the support of Paul Wilshire and Clive Foord on the floor the transition to supporting the Sales Team and Central Shipping Office went without any major difficulties.

The photo shows Paul Wilshire with Kirsty Brine, the Senior Sales Agent for London, on Day 1 looking remarkably relaxed!

The pre-planning work and the CSC Team visit to Fulham to meet the London CSO, Sales and Technical Teams ensured a seamless transfer.

As expected there were a few minor issues to resolve on the day and these included delayed fax and mail box redirections and access for Cash Sales Agents to process payments.

There were also a number of opportunities for immediate improvement which included the update of MapPoint for Sales Agents, the cleansing of redundant clauses from quotations and improvements in the use of our CSO and Sales Office telephone lines.  There were no major issues and call logs showed no abandoned sales calls from customers.

Thanks to the Teams in London and our UK Customer Centre at Rugby for their hard work in planning and preparations for a successful first day transition.

‘Going Live’ and another step on our journey to Being the Best for Customers!

The planned Go Live date for Southern Region (Thorpe Sales Office) is on Monday 20th July just a couple of weeks away.