Customer Centricity

Customer Centricity

UK Team Wins European Customer Service Award….

Congratulations to Scott Jones and team who won first place at the European level, as part of the global Superior Customer Experience Award for CEMEX.   They won the award for their introduction of Out of Hours deliveries to customer silos.

The goal of introducing Out of Hours (OOH) deliveries was to improve the customer experience by delivering product out of operational hours to ensure silos are full, and ready for the following day’s work. This had the added benefit of improving fleet utilisation by operating the fleet over a 24 hour period as opposed to the traditional 12 hour shift, and also ensuring more availability to fulfill our customer’s orders. UK Bulk Cement now has a much more flexible service offering to both internal and external customers by offering an OOH delivery service.

Before the move to OOH, deliveries were largely made to customers between 7am to 5pm, putting a strain on fleet resource and having a negative impact on our on-time delivery service, resulting in on time delivery performance being significantly affected by demand and resource availability across a 10 – 12 hour delivery window. In our industry we see high demand for deliveries between 6am – 8am and by delivering this demand OOH customers have product in their silos ready for the day’s work.

In the UK nearly 30% of our total deliveries are now made OOH, with nearly 50% of deliveries to our internal plants being made OOH.

According to Scott Jones, Cement Logistics Manager from United Kingdom, who was an initiative leader, commented: “Delivering our bulk Cement out of hours is key in enabling us to deliver a Superior Customer Experience in the UK. By delivering through the night and outside of traditional operating hours we are able to ensure our customers have product in their silos ready to commence the day’s production, and in turn freeing up our own vehicles for deliveries during peak hours. By smoothing our demand across a 24 hour period not only are we able to take more orders from customers but we are able to mitigate the service impact during the first few hours of the day when everyone needs product in their silos.”