Customer Centricity

Customer Centricity

We Helped Reunite A Divided Town

Last week saw happy school children be the first to cross the rebuilt bridge in Tadcaster, North Yorkshire. Their head teacher cut the red ribbon to officially open the new bridge.

Capture resized 2CEMEX UK is proud to have laid the asphalt across the bridge.

The bridge, across the river Wharfe, had been severely damaged by the floods in December 2015 and had crumbled away in the middle.  The town had been divid
ed with residents and visitors having to negotiate a 10 mile detour to get from one side of the river to the other.

Happy school children no. 2 resized 2The local BBC news covered the event as the local school children from the town’s three primary schools happily christened the new bridge with hundreds of residents following behind!



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