The final load of concrete has been delivered from the Lee Tunnel Site Plants for MVB on the Beckton STW Project near Barking in Essex. Starting back in October 2010 we have seen almost 5 years of production from the 2 site plants, producing over 220,000m3 of concrete from normal Dry Lean to the most sophisticated mixes you can think of.
Matt Yaxley, Cluster Manager, takes up the story: “It has been, at times, extremely demanding but also rewarding, as supplying some of these mixes were the first in the UK. Being on site watching the whole thing develop from start to finish has been an experience that I will never forget.
Everybody throughout the entire supply chain has, at times, been stretched to the limits on this demanding project and I would like to thank each and every person who has been involved with supplying the raw materials, labour, services and in fact any assistance in any way! We can now say ‘We’ve Done It’. The Teamwork, Collaboration and Can Do attitudes demonstrated on this project has been fantastic. I can honestly say I do not know where the last 5 years have gone and the very first meeting with the customer and client only seems like yesterday.
The picture above shows Gary Bridge batching the final load from the site plants. He managed to hide his emotions after being involved in the operation from the start and was one of the valued site Team we had working there. I would like to thank Gary, along with Graham Lewis and everybody else who has worked at Lee Tunnel seeing out this contract. There are too many to name to list but you know who you are.
I wish London region the best of luck supplying the remainder of volume from Stepney Plant until the end of the year and thank them for their help throughout. It’s now time to watch the two Plants being decommissioned, dismantled and removed from site to be sent onto their next projects.
All that is left for me to say is a big thank you to everybody for all the help, assistance and perseverance completing the contract and a massive thank you to everybody that has worked and helped out at the site Plant over the 5 years it has really been appreciated.”