

Another Use For Concrete!!

As it’s still the Easter Holidays for the children we’d thought we would share this topical Easter craft – concrete eggs – with you!! If you have a go we’d love to see your photos. Please email them to:


Remember to wear gloves to protect your hands.

The best thing is that they are very easy to make!

What’s needed: eggs, concrete, some water, wooden sticks to mix

Optional: decorative gold, application milk (glue for decorative gold), oil

  1. First, break a small hole in the egg. Then remove the egg white and yolk from the egg. Wash the egg and pour a little oil into the egg and spread it all over so that the shell will come off the egg more easily.
  1. Mix the concrete with water to make a mixture that is homogeneous. Fill the fetched eggs with the mixture and let them dry for at least 24 hours.
  1. After the concrete has dried well, carefully remove the eggshell with a knife. If small remains of the skin of the egg still stick to the concrete, simply brush off with the rough side of a sponge and water.
  1. The eggs are ready now! If you like you can give them that extra something by adding golden detail. You will need some deco metal or gold leaf, application milk and brush.
  1. Apply the application milk with a brush to the desired area on the egg and let it dry. Then place the deco metal on the egg and paint it with clean fingers. Carefully rub off the excess gold with a brush. Two of the eggs got a golden touch, the others remained “natural”.