Kristaps Gadmanis, one of our trainee Aggs Managers, spent week 7 of his development programme at Northfleet Wharf and Denge Quarry. On a Monday morning he was up early travelling to a South East Commercial Meeting at Thorpe Head Office.
He comments: “Now I am able to see a bigger picture since there are different reports coming from Commercial, Safety, Energy and other departments. The following day I visited Denge Quarry which is small but very compact and only 4 people operate it from day to day. Good housekeeping is maintained throughout the Quarry and each operative is able to cover other activities.
The rest of the week was spent in Northfleet which was of particular interest for me since I will settle in Jarrow Wharf after the rotations. Adam Johnson (Deputy Manager of Northfleet) and Michael Hinson (Wharf Manager) explained and answered all of the possible questions I could come up with at the time. Luckily for me there was a safety meeting held on site with Jason Aked (Health & Safety Advisor for SE). Thanks to his patience I expanded my knowledge even further on matters such as safe working environment, good housekeeping and Health & Safety in general.
Because of the numerous issues on both sites I was able to see how the Management Team resolved situations. One of the lessons this week was that sometimes things may not go the way you want but the important bit is to remember that after the fall comes the rise. Thank you Mick, Adam and Jason and rest of theTeam.”