

Be Kind and Respectful to Colleagues

Together, we must ensure to maintain a culture of kindness and respect in the remote workplace.

Be aware that in a virtual office, the tone of your VOICE becomes more relevant.

CEMEX’s zero-tolerance of bullying and verbal harassment equally applies to remote work including, but not limited to:

  • threats and humiliation via email or instant messaging platforms
  • texts excessively criticising a colleague’s work
  • demeaning or belittling behaviour during video calls
  • emails and other messages containing racist, sexist or other offensive material
  • disparaging social media posts about a colleague
  • spreading damaging rumours about a colleague

If in doubt, or if you want to report a misconduct, remember  ETHOSline is by your side.

Did you know?

In 2020, from a total of 620 cases reported, 603 were closed, of which 214 were substantiated.

307 disciplinary actions were taken, and 73 employees were dismissed as a result of investigations.

In the first quarter of 2021, only 35% of anonymous reports were substantiated, compared to 50% of named reports.