

Career Development For Steve And Phil

Readymix Area 6 North West have recently had the opportunity to progress and further develop two employees, Steve Jenninson and Phil Barker, from within the business locally.

With vacancies arising for Plant Managers in the area, both Steve and Phil applied for the positions through their Line Managers and were successful in taking the next step in their own personal development.

Congratulations to them both and good luck in your new roles.  Steve is now Crewe Plant Manager and Phil Relief Plant Manager for Merseyside.

The area has also had three employees and one agency driver, who were on the Mersey Gateway Plants, establish positions within the Asphalt side of the business with Anthony Jackson, Kyle Purnell, Lee Millington and Gary Johnson all now in positions in Ellesmere Port, Huyton, Salford and Liverpool Docklands.

Thank you to Paul Cheeseman and Frank Kehoe for managing the smooth transition.