

Concur Goes Live

We are excited to announce that SAP Concur is now available!

You can access it from the web, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to https://www.concursolutions.com/UI/SSO/p0031135y4ki
  2. Sign in using your CEMEX email as a User Name
  3. Enter your CEMEX password

Further details about the log-in, and mobile app, can be found in the guide in the download section of the UK News website.

You can visit the Concur SharePoint learning site for further instructions on how to set your profile and create, submit, approve your travel expense report or advance payment request.

See:  https://cemex.sharepoint.com/sites/Concur/SitePages/Learn-Concur.aspx

Please note that all expenses raised from today should be logged using Concur, as opposed to the existing SAP system.

Any expenses purchased by credit card and any cash expenses incurred prior to the go live date should be actioned per the existing process in SAP. This includes clearing the credit card expenses after they are loaded in SAP later in October.