

Coronavirus Update For UK Employees

The number of people affected by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has reached 88,948 cases worldwide, with 2,135 cases in Europe. As of today, the number of cases in the UK is 40. Yesterday, the EU raised the Coronavirus threat level to “High”.

Accordingly, we are implementing the following measures in all our European operations:

Business Travel

  • Travel Ban to high risk areas (China, South Korea, Northern Italy, Japan, Hong Kong, and Iran).
  • Postpone all new non-essential international air and international train travel for business in CEMEX Europe for the next 14 days from today (the situation will be reviewed by the end of this 14 day period).
    • Note: Travel authorisation routes are not changed, we are just restricting international business travel to essential business travel only. Travel must still be authorized in line with current rules – requiring authorization by the relevant VP.
  • If you need to travel internationally for an essential business purpose, please confirm this with your Line Manager.
  • If you are already abroad now, continue with your existing travel plans regarding return to your home country.
  • If you have travelled to a high risk area for business or personal reasons, inform your Line Manager, and remain at home for the next 14 days following the return date. If any symptoms develop, please call NHS 111 and inform your Line Manager.

Hygiene and Preventative Measures

  • Promote personal hygiene and always clean your hands with soap or with alcohol-based hand rub.
  • Be vigilant and avoid close contact (under 2 metres) with anyone who has cold or flu-like symptoms.
  • Operational Site Managers are advised to provide hand sanitisers and disinfectant wipes as appropriate – masks should already be available on site but are not recommended for use by healthy individuals.
  • Remember – there is no cause for concern unless you have travelled to a risk area or you have been in contact or close proximity to someone who has confirmed Coronavirus.

If you do not have Coronavirus symptoms (fever, shortness of breath, coughing) continue your regular routine at home and in the office.

What to do if you have Flu-Like Symptoms

  • Do not go to work and communicate your situation quickly to your Manager. Remain at home for self-monitoring.
  • Make a risk self-evaluation. Consider if you have been to a potential risk area or if you could have been in contact with a potential risk person.
  • Wear a face mask to reduce the risk of human-to-human transmission. Do not share cutlery or dinnerware, minimise physical contact.
  • Consider enhancing hygienic measures. Dispose of tissues immediately after use, increase hand washing and avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
  • Contact NHS 111 and inform them about your symptoms and your self-evaluation. Visit: https://111.nhs.uk/service/covid-19 for more information.

Impact at CEMEX

Currently, no CEMEX employee cases have been reported. Local Rapid Response Teams (RRTs) continue to be activated throughout CEMEX operations, and each country is implementing preventive measures accordingly. Our CEMEX Human Resources, Enterprise Risk Management and Global Security areas will continue to closely monitor the situation regarding new developments.

We will share regular updates on the virus and any action required by employees.