

Could you be a STEM Ambassador?

On Tuesday 16th July at 12pm Minerals Matter will be hosting a webinar to introduce the Minerals Matter STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Ambassadors programme.
(Delivered in partnership with the Institute of Asphalt Technology).

Join Hannah Higley and Ian Cross to hear more and find out how you can get involved. Click HERE to register: An Introduction to Minerals Matter Ambassador Scheme

Click HERE to register: An Introduction to Minerals Matter Ambassador Scheme

Minerals Matter is an industry led, sector specific working group to promote careers in the mineral products sector and highlight their importance to young people and the wider community. The Minerals Matter initiative is a focal point to promote careers in the extractives and mineral products sectors.  Working with a wide range of partners, including Cemex, they engage the existing workforce to inspire the next one.

Could you be a STEM ambassador?

Minerals Matter STEM ambassadors are professionals working across any aspect of the minerals sector who act as the face of the industry, inspiring the next generation. Ambassadors often provide the first introduction to the industry for young people, or help to dispel myths, delivering valuable career insight and impact on the future career decisions of others. Ambassadors can volunteer right across the UK, from primary through to adult education, supporting curriculum and site visits, to careers fairs and events, sharing the fantastic opportunities available in the industry. With dedicated STEM hubs, every ambassador will become part of a regional and national community of volunteers.

From careers talks to mock interview sessions, speed networking to event support – there are so many different ways that employees can inspire young people to think about a career in our industry sector. Find out more here: https://minerals-matter.co.uk/get-involved/stem-ambassadors/

Click HERE to register: An Introduction to Minerals Matter Ambassador Scheme

Sign up NOW to become a Minerals Matter Ambassador!