

Councillors Tour of Rugby Cement Plant

Recently we were very pleased to welcome Yousef Dahmash, Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Rugby and County Councillor, and John Slinger, Labour Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Rugby and Borough Councillor, to visit our Rugby Cement Plant for a presentation, and tour of our operations.

During their visit they heard about how the site operates, the contributions Cemex makes to the local community, the national impact that the plant has, our future plans for the site, and how we plan to progress our Future in Action decarbonisation goals.

Our Public Affairs team were grateful to them both for making the time to visit and are looking forward to working with them both going forward.

Thank you to Jamie, Ian, and all the team on site at Rugby Plant for facilitating these visits.

If any other sites would be interested in hosting a political visit, please contact Dan Mann in the Public Affairs team at daniel.mann@cemex.com