

Do You Double Up Your Devices?

We know that for some employees their work mobile phone or laptop is the only one they have. This can make it very difficult to switch off from work and disconnect during the evenings, at the weekend or when on annual leave.

If you can, consider having a separate mobile phone, laptop or tablet for personal use. If this isn’t possible:

  • Make sure to mute notifications when you are away from work. Follow our helpful guide here.
  • Set a cut off time for using your mobile phone / other devices for bedtime. This can help to ensure a good night’s sleep.
  • Only open the programs / apps that you need to use – resist the urge to check work emails over the weekend or when on holiday.
  • Challenge yourself – do you NEED to look at that message or open that email? Or do you feel that you should? Is there someone in place to support while you are away?

This can feel difficult but, by setting boundaries for use of technology, you can feel more empowered around your work/life balance and have better well-being. It can also prevent feelings of overwork or burnout.

If you feel it is impossible to disconnect from work, reach out – speak to your Line Manager or contact the Employee Assistance Line (Lifestyle Support) for confidential advice and support – call 0808 168 2143 or visit www.lifestyle-support.co.uk (Username: cemex  Password:  cemex).

Further reading:


