

Effective Meetings: Make Your Meetings Goal-Oriented

At Cemex, we are always looking to improve the way we work. In our last WE’X Survey we identified that one of the main areas of opportunity we experience at work is to be more agile in our daily processes.  For this reason, we launched our Effective Meetings Initiative.

There is no doubt that creating efforts to be more proactive and agile benefits our work-life balance. That is why we launched our Effective Meetings initiative, so we can all learn how to use our time invested in meetings that sometimes we do not need.

Following our first article “Make your meetings valuable” we are now sharing the second recommendation/code of the seven that we designed: Make your meetings goal-oriented.

Meetings without a clear objective can quickly become unproductive and time-consuming, that is why setting a specific goal is crucial for effective meetings, here are some recommendations: 

  1. Clarify the objective: Define the purpose of the meeting. Are you solving a problem, planning, or providing updates? Communicate this purpose to all participants in advance.
  2. Set goals: Determine what you want to achieve by the end of the meeting. Whether it’s making a key decision, generating ideas, or aligning on a strategy; having specific goals ensures the meeting stays focused.

Making your meetings goal-oriented is essential for maximising productivity and achieving desired outcomes. By defining the purpose, preparing deeply, and conducting the meeting with focus, you can ensure that your meetings are effective and impactful.