Following lengthy discussion and deliberation Craig Williamson and Garry Gregory have agreed the date of 27th April to hold an Asphalt vs ReadyMix ‘friendly’ 11 a ‘side football match.
Garry commented: “Whilst I’m hoping the game will be enjoyable, we will be raising money for St Rocco’s Hospice (this charity was nominated by Alison Wilson’s family – for those that are not aware Alison was one of our Team Leaders at Preston Brook but sadly she passed away last year). All players have been asked to pay £5 to play and anyone wanting to watch is asked to donate a few pounds if possible. There will be some food arranged for after the match.
The game will kick off at 6.30pm and be played at Fords Football pitch at 77 Cronton Ln, Widnes. Be there if you can….”