

Engagement… What’s Happening??

The 12% increase in positive statements at the last engagement survey shows that more of us now feel positive about our work place.  More of us also filled in the survey than before (72%) giving a better picture of what we in the UK think about CEMEX.

Whilst this is a pleasing result, we know that there is still room for improvement so our leaders have spent time over the last few months discussing the engagement results with various employees – during communications forums, team meetings and focus groups.

The feedback from these sessions is now helping us to create action plans to try to address the weaknesses.

Our actions plans are being finalised and these will be communicated using our many communications channels. Every business unit will have an engagement poster. Watch out for these hitting sites later in May as they contain important engagement information relating to your local business area.

Finally – we say that your feedback counts and it really does – your feedback is helping to shape our action plans.