

ETHOS Line – Code of Ethics

In 2022 Cemex worldwide received 786 cases and 78 inquiries through our official channels (ETHOSline, ETHOS Committees, Human Resources, Legal and/or ethos@cemex.com).

Of the globally reported cases the Committees found that 48% of the reported cases were substantiated and required remedial actions, which were implemented accordingly. Furthermore, Committees proactively addressed some non-substantiated cases by conducting policy and/or process reviews and providing targeted training to prevent future issues.

Overall, the consequences were:
• 182 disciplinary actions
• 108 employee terminations
• 74 policy and process reviews
• 46 remedial training sessions
• 43 terminations of commercial relationships with third parties

Once more, the ETHOS Program demonstrated an unwavering commitment to uphold high standards of ethical conduct and accountability across the organisation.

Reminders to all Managers: please print off the poster in the download page of the UK News website: ETHOs results poster (314 downloads) and share on all workplace notice boards.