

Farewell And Happy Retirement Also To Les Thomas And Peter Kirby

Leslie Thomas and Peter Kirby are both retiring from the Tilbury operations.

Peter has worked for the company for 41 years, starting his career with Rugby Cement at Rochester Works in 1974 where he was in the Quality Department. He joined Tilbury in 2008 as a Quality Coordinator. Peter’s hobbies include bee keeping and he is planning on learning lock-keeping to keep him busy in his retirement.

Peter retirement resizedLes Thomas has worked for the company for 35 years starting at Rochester Works in 1981 in the main office as a Wages Clerk. He joined Tilbury in 2009 as a Maintenance Planner.  Les hasn’t got anything planned for his retirement at present but we hope he’ll enjoy every moment of it.

Gavin Cowen, Plant Director at Tilbury, comments: “We will miss the knowledge and experience that these guys have and we all wish them a very long and happy retirement”.

The large picture shows Kevin Hockley (Maintenance Manager) presenting Les with a gift from the Tilbury Team and the smaller picture is Leigh Tucker (Quality Coordinator) presenting Peter with his gift.