

Have You Done Your 1-2-1 Yet?

Employee feedback during our Engagement Survey told us how important it is that you (CEMEX employees) have 1-2-1 time with your Line Managers. It also told us that you value having these 1-2-1s to help you understand how you are performing and to identity any developmental opportunities.

For 2017 to support this process a new template has been launched for use in these 1-2-1 discussions between Line Managers and employees.

For employees who supervise others this also includes their responsibilities in relation to the Health & Safety Management System (HSMS).

We know that a key element in motivating people is to hold regular 1-2-1s with team members and focus on providing individual feedback; to focus on Safety and to address any concerns.

So be sure to agree with your Line Manager a date for your next 1-2-1 before the end of September.

You can download the template via either of the following links:

