

How is Your Financial Wellbeing?

During February and March our Wellbeing focus has been around Mental Health. For the final two weeks we are sharing some resources to support your financial wellbeing.

Watching the Pennies’ guide

This week we are sharing a ‘Watching the Pennies’ guide from our Employees Assistant Programme, Care First. In the guide you’ll find advice and guidance on how you can manage your finances.

Topics include:

  • Financial health check-up.
  • How do I improve my financial wellbeing?
  • How does money make you feel?

You can find the guide on the UK News download page here.

Have you tried the 50/30/20 rule

Do you feel like your money is slipping through your fingers without a clear plan? The 50/30/20 budget is a powerful tool designed to bring clarity and purpose to your financial life. Its primary focus is to assist individuals in managing their money effectively, striking a balance between covering essential expenses and saving for both emergencies and retirement. This rule of thumb organises your budget into three different categories: needs, wants, and financial goals, making it far less overwhelming for those new to budgeting.

Interested in giving it a try? Try this 50-32-20 calculator to find out how you can make this work for you. https://moneysprout.co.uk/50-30-20-budget-calculator-uk/

Coming next week

Next week we will be sharing further information about the free My Possible Self App, plus we will be finding out how much some of our Cemex colleagues have been saving, by using our Cemex Discount Platform.