

Intended Industrial Action By UNITE

Following a ballot of our HGV cement tanker drivers by UNITE the Union, the members voted for industrial action last week and UNITE has now advised us that it intends to start continuous work to rule starting 22nd May, and discontinuous strike action in the form of a 24 hour strike on 26th May.

The industrial action relates to the 2016 pay increase, which is the same settlement as already in place for all other CEMEX UK employees. We have continued to seek proactive engagement with our drivers and with UNITE.

We have robust contingency plans in place to ensure our customers will receive a continuous supply of bulk cement, and there is no impact on any other part of our business.
If anyone receives any external enquiries, please make no comment and direct the enquirer to the Communications Team via gb-communicationsandpublicaffairs@cemex.com