

Last Few Weeks to Enter Competition

You only have a few weeks left to enter our first Wildlife Photography Competition, open to all EMEA employees.

Cemex actively protects and nurtures biodiversity at all sites through careful environmental management and education.

Our photography competition is to celebrate diversity of wildlife at our sites, since every organism is part of an ecosystem which needs protection for a richer, stable and resilient environment as we progress towards being Nature Positive by 2030.

Please submit your photos capturing images of wildlife and habitats at any Cemex site by sending an email to sean.cassidy@cemex.com (or use the QR code in the poster on the UK News download page) with your contact details and a very brief description of your photos. Maximum of three images per person, with typical resolution up to 5MB, typical of any smart phone.

The competition is open until 15th September 2023. All photos submitted are likely to be used in our internal and external communications channels. Please see poster and rules, terms and conditions on the UK News download page here.