CEMEX have been supplying customer EC Surfacing’s asphalt sites across Yorkshire and Lincolnshire for a number of years. As a result, CEMEX Sales Representative, Natalie Waring, has built a good working relationship with EC Surfacing’s, Andy Jackson. Natalie discovered that Andy is taking part in the London Marathon in October 2022 raising money for MS-UK, a charity Andy and his family hold close to their heart. Natalie has shared his story with us below and if you would like to find out more or donate, the link is: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/andrew-jackson117?utm_id=25
When growing up Andy’s mum provided emotional and physical support for many years to her close friend who was diagnosed with MS. Together they also got involved in many fundraising events. Sadly her friend’s son also was diagnosed with MS and tragically lost his life.
Now, Andy’s Mum is in her 90s and misses the fundraising activities, so Andy has stepped in and is planning to run the London Marathon to support MS-UK. He is now hoping his friends and colleagues will support him – along with his biggest supporter – his Mum! Andy said: “I’m running this for all those who can’t and for my mum who has always been supportive in some of the most troubling of times.”