

MPA Restoration Awards & Biodiversity Awards & Nature Photo Competition 2019

The MPA Restoration and MPA Biodiversity Awards are now open for entry, together with the third MPA Nature Photo Competition. Entering is even more straightforward this year and the winners will be presented at a prestigious event in London on 23 October 2019.

MPA Biodiversity Awards

These Awards apply to all producer members of MPA and to mineral sites of all types. Sites may be managed or owned by the member or a third party, as long as the entrant has clear involvement in creating the biodiversity.

The entry categories are: Innovation, Landscape Scale Restoration, Planned Restoration Schemes (that have been approved but not yet implemented) and Individual Contribution. Please do not produce an elaborately presented entry, just stick to answering the questions in the simple interactive entry form available here. The closing date is 5 APRIL 2019.

This entry form is an interactive PDF (in order to access all of the interactive content you may need to upgrade your copy of Acrobat Reader).

MPA Restoration Awards

These Awards recognise excellence in returning quarried land to beneficial after-uses. With a pedigree stretching back more than 40 years, the scheme has rewarded a range of mineral operators across the UK, with the highly coveted top accolade: becoming the Cooper-Heyman Cup winner. We want to encourage entries from as many companies as possible covering a range of different types of site and restoration schemes.

This year entry is in two phases:

Stage 1: Provision of the site name and basic details as outlined in this document available here – by 4 MARCH 2019.

Stage 2: We will then refine the entry process and come back to you so that you can submit just the critical additional details by the closing date of 5 APRIL 2019.

MPA Nature Photo Competition

To celebrate members’ achievements in creating amazing spaces for nature, we are holding our third Nature Photo competition for all employees. This really is an opportunity for everyone to get involved – particularly those working on operational quarries, partly or fully restored sites or any site plant. 

 The competition is open until 17 SEPTEMBER 2019 and any photos entered must have been taken between 1 January 2018 and 16 September 2019.

Winners will be announced and showcased at the MPA Quarries and Nature event on 23 October 2019 where prizes for first, second and third winners will be awarded. A flyer/poster for advertising the competition to employees is available here. Please put this on company notice boards in offices and at sites. Please also include the information in company newsletters and magazines.

For information on either Award Scheme or the Photo Competition contact Elizabeth Clements or David Payne:

Elizabeth Clements
E: elizabeth.clements@mineralproducts.org
T: 0207 963 8000, M: 07775 894 285

David Payne
E: david.payne@mineralproducts.org
T: 0207 963 8000, M: 07834 268 407