

Please Wear Your Pass….

The UK Security team issued this email to everyone in Rugby office recently, however, it has relevance to everyone on a site or office needing a pass.  Please wear yours at all times:

Good morning all. Your immediate attention is drawn to a security incident here at CEMEX House.

At approximately 7.35am this morning, three persons with no connection to, or business with CEMEX, managed to gain access to the reception area here at CEMEX House. Two of the persons were wearing hi-viz jackets giving the impression that they were either attending a training course or otherwise doing some work on the premises. It quickly became apparent that they had no business being on site and after loitering in the reception area for several minutes exited the building when asked to do so by reception.

This scenario serves as a useful reminder that the security of the building is the responsibility of all and that passes should always be worn when you are on site (to allow easy identification) and removed when you are off site (out for lunch etc) – remember your pass is effectively a key to the building, please take responsible care of it.

When you enter or exit the building please take a moment to make sure that the doors in the reception area are closed after you have passed through them and you are not followed into the building by anyone not wearing their CEMEX pass.

Any lost, stolen or misplaced passes should be reported to either John Sweeting or Colin Jones as soon as possible so that they can be cancelled, and our premises kept as secure as possible.

Your cooperation in keeping CEMEX House a safe working environment for all is much appreciated.