

Reminder about CEMEX’s Social Media Policy

We would like to take the opportunity to remind all employees of the need to act in line with the values entrenched in CEMEX’s Code of Ethics and Business Conduct and (in relation to social media), to remember that our actions can reflect on the company – positively or negatively.

In particular, employees should remember that comments on social media about our pricing or commercial strategies are clear breaches of Competition Law and could be retrieved and used in evidence by the authorities if ever there was an investigation into the business. Additionally, remember that posts can cause offence and are subject to laws around published materials such as defamation and privacy. We further remind you that CEMEX’s information must be managed according to confidentiality undertakings we have accepted as part of working at CEMEX.

CEMEX has a social media policy and guidelines, and whilst these are primarily targeted at those who are posting on CEMEX’s behalf, they contain useful principles to inform how we use social media in our own time too.

The policy also states that if we are using private social media accounts, we must clearly indicate that our views are our own and do not reflect the position of the company. Please ensure this is reflected on your profiles if they identify you as an employee of CEMEX.

To view the social media guidelines please go to the download section of the UK News website here

To see the full policy please click here.

We expect any non-work related posts on social media to be made in an individual’s own time and outside of work.

If you have any questions about CEMEX’s social media policy and guidelines, please speak to your HR Business Partner.