

Sexual Harassment – ETHOS Line is there to help

Sexual harassment occurs when someone makes an unwelcome request, advance, or conduct of sexual nature towards another person. It has nothing to do with mutual attraction or private, consenting friendships whether sexual or otherwise.

An environment of mutual respect should always be fostered, and CEMEX will not tolerate any form of sexual harassment from anyone within (co-workers or supervisors) or outside (i.e., suppliers, clients, or third parties) the Company.

Sexual harassment can include, but is not limited to:

  • Making sexually suggestive comments or jokes through any channel (i.e., in-person, instant messaging or other online platforms)
  • Suggestive touching, patting, hugging, or other physical contact
  • Suggestive statements about a person’s body, clothes, or his or her sexual background
  • Making remarks, statements, or telling stories of an explicit or sexual nature
  • Displaying sexually suggestive materials (i.e., photos, audios, videos, objects) and
  • Making unwanted advances or propositions, or inappropriately pressuring others into behaving a certain way.

– If in doubt, or if you want to report a misconduct, remember ETHOSline is by your side –