

Thanks For Your Effort Nominees

More thanks go to our fantastic colleagues nominated for an award for showing exceptional dedication and going above and beyond their day jobs. They are:

Luke Tyghe and Dave Tyghe, Stourton Depot & Asphalt Plant

Luke received a call in the early hours of Saturday morning (13th) from nightshift to say there was an issue that had developed with two conveyors whilst discharging the train.

Luke duly went in to work on his weekend off to investigate – he found that number two conveyor had stopped and caused considerable spillage. He and another member of staff attempted to clear the spillage in an effort to restart the belts. It soon became more apparent that the problem was more than over feed of material. To add to Luke’s challenge, John Beard was away on holiday and the site’s own fitter was recovering from an operation – so he called his father, Dave Tyghe, who is the Assistant Manager at Salford Depot.  Dave offered to travel the considerable distance over to Stourton to help clear the belts and repair if possible.

They both arrived early on Sunday morning, initially, coming up with a great solution for clearing the belt and chute clear of material in a safe manner. The next task was to investigate the initial issue which transpired to be a coupling that had deteriorated considerably. There wasn’t a spare on the shelf so Dave set to work with a solution – which was a repair that the A Team would have been proud of. The pair were on site until after 8pm to ensure that the two trains programmed for Sunday night and early Monday morning could be discharged with desperately needed aggregate for an extremely busy site.

Joe Ells, Readymix Midlands

Joe has been working very hard alongside the Operational Excellence team to prepare for the launch of Checkproof, a digital maintenance checklist tool, in the Readymix business. Joe has invested a great deal of time and effort into the prep work, creating and testing checklists for various plants in the West Midlands area.

Without Joe’s support and hard work, we would not have a working model and would be unable to proceed with the rollout across the UK with the speed and confidence we now can. Joe’s work means we have a replicable blueprint which can be applied to all plants, which is a great help to the OE team.