

Time To Talk Week 5th – 9th February

As outlined in our 2024 Wellbeing Plan shared here, February is our Mental Health Awareness month and during the month our UK Wellbeing Strategy Group is launching ‘Time to Talk Week’ followed by resources about Financial Wellbeing.

Time to Talk Week launching NEXT MONDAY 5th February.

Next week, Monday 5th to Friday 9th February, is our Time to Talk Week.

During this week (and beyond) we are encouraging all employees to take time out to spend some time talking to colleagues about our mental health.

It’s a chance for our workplaces to come together to talk, listen and change lives. The more conversations we have, the better life is for everyone. Talking about mental health isn’t always easy and sometimes it’s even harder to say how you really feel. But a conversation has the power to change lives. Time to Talk Week is the perfect opportunity to start a conversation about our mental health – but not just next week – keep those conversations going beyond next week.

We are providing a range of resources to support you during this campaign, including:

Posters for displaying on all work place notice boards, wellbeing boards, break areas

  • Time To Talk Week (with QR code to all resources)
  • Tips for helping someone open up when something’s up
  • Details about Lifestyle Support – our Employee Assistance Programme
  • Useful weblinks for further support
  • Can you spot the signs – video link?
  • Children’s Mental Health week support resources
  • 3 x MIND ‘How’s it going’ posters

Other resources

  • Email banner GIF for you to add to your email signatures.
  • Static email banner PNG file
  • Email banner instructions on how to add to email signatures.

You can access and download all of the above resources HERE or using the QR code in the image.

Every day next week we will be sharing a different poster to support you and your colleagues to take Time to Talk – please use and share our resources with all your colleagues.

To all Plant and Site Managers – please ensure a selection of our posters are displayed on your local notice boards/break areas from Monday onwards and ensure our offline colleagues are included in our Time to Talk campaign.